Introducing peanut to babies
🥜 Let’s talk introducing peanuts this week. For new mums and dads it feels a bit scary thinking about food allergies, so I want us to talk about it more and get discussions in the open. Introducing the peanuts and other common allergenic foods to your baby is important in the window between 6 and 12 months to help prevent the development of food allergies.
🌰 In fact the medical research shows that early introduction and regular feeding of peanut may especially help prevent the development of peanut allergy in infants at "high risk" for peanut allergy.*
🏆 First of all - golden rule- no whole nuts or nut chunks for your baby- with peanut the easiest way is peanut butter. Buy some unsalted unsweetened peanut butter or make your own by throwing peanuts in a food processor and grinding to a smooth paste. Peanut butter adds delicious nutty flavours, is protein rich and full of mainly good fats that help you baby absorb fat soluble vitamins.
🥣 When you first started your baby on solids you likely started with single ingredient purees like vegetables or fruits, introducing one new food at a time. Once they’re good with a few fruit and veggie purees its time to introduce new foods.
👆When you’re introducing peanut butter for the first time you can start with the smallest amount of nut butter on your fingertip for your child to suck on, or mix say a 1/8 teaspoon into your baby’s favourite puree or cereal
🤔 If you are concerned your child may have food allergies, you can choose a more cautious approach and rub a tiny amount of the food inside your baby’s lip to start with. Keep a watch over them for the next 30 minutes. If your child does have an allergic reaction it will usually occur fairly quickly after eating — stop feeding that food and seek medical advice from your doctor or allergist.
🍜 Just like you, your baby needs variety in food for a balanced diet. This helps develop their palate as they experience different tastes and flavours. It’s important to start with just one at a time of the common allergenic foods. Once you’re sure your baby is comfy with the first one start adding another a few days later. The introduction of common food allergens to your baby’s diet follows the same philosophy and requires just a little patience, but will build your confidence in creating delicious recipes.
*Early allergen introduction may not be appropriate for every child. If your family has a history of food allergies or your child has dry skin or eczema, they are more vulnerable to developing food allergies, but likewise the research shows they will benefit the most from early introduction. If you are concerned and you should seek the advice of your paediatrician or allergist before introducing the common food allergens.
Once you’ve started your baby on peanut butter make sure you keep it in your baby’s meals as they grow- delicious vanilla yoghurt with fresh berries, a sprinkle of coconut and a dob of peanut butter makes a delicious breakfast for all the family- just puree for babies.
Or why not jazz up your porridge breakfasts with fresh fruit and a dollop of peanut butter. I’ve used Brookfarm Power Porrij because its also loaded with fine ground macadamias and almonds. Great as is for all the family and babies 9 months plus, puree for younger babies.